30% Discount on Cover Price + Postage,
+ Philecards optional for $26
Only available in Australia.
Remember to choose + Philecards from the drop down menu if you want to continue receiving them. The extra $26 reflects cost price at $1 per pack.
Please note that the Philecard series is due to expire with issue 2000, so any packs over this issue number will be refunded.
Make it easy ... make it simple!
Newsagent selling out? ... Sick of shops placing their stickers on the comic cover?
How would you like Comics delivered to your door.
Subscribe to this service and we will mail direct to you, every issue as we publish them! For a full year!
This means you get all the 36 pages issues, Replica Series, 100 page issues and our Annual Special ... Delivered.
If we had enough monkeys or Bandar we would get them to deliver but, sadly, Australia Post remains the best option.
You will usually receive them a few days before they go on sale in stores!
Your first delivery will be the Issue after the date of your order.
Our price covers the normal cover price of each issue, the postage and handling.