100 pages.
Mint condition.
4 story Special:
"The Ghost Pirates" a daily adventure- story by George Olesen and art by Keith Williams.
"Colonel Winns Secret" - complete story by Lee Falk and art by Ray Moore
"TheTrophy Bearer" - complete story by Lee Falk and art by Sy Barry.
"The Last Assignment" - complete story by Norman Worker and art by Ozcan Eralp / Bertil Wilhelmsson.
Cover art by Antonio Lemos
Story :
Another feast of adventures in this 100 page spedial issue. Backing up the new American story, "The Ghost Pirates", one golden oldie which you will find fascinating is the complete re-print of the 1939-40 Sunday story, "Colonel Winn's Secret", which is also known as The Precious Cargo of Colonel Winn. The splash page tell you more about this Lee Falk classic but I can add a few more gems. Note the mention of The Phantom going to the Bengal coast which at least hints at India being the location a little later, we discover the setting is actually Aden. The first mention of Morristown is made in a Sunday story, Hero is yet to enter the life of The Ghost Who Walks and the appearance of Gloria Dean at the Arabian Hotel is rfevealing in more ways than one! Gloria's skimpy clothing was years ahead of its time in comics and must have caused a mild furore, because such attire was not allowed in movies of the time!
"The Trophy Bearer" has not been seen since 1986 and once again we were lucky enough to obtain new repros which really bring this story to light. Rounding out this edition is Norman Worker's "The Last Assignment illustrated by Ozcan Eralp and Bertil Wilhelmsson.