Issue 1913 - Signature Series, 2022


36 pages.
Belle Epoque part 2 - On the Roofs of Paris
The Scourge of the Air Pirates part 3

Mint condition
Belle Epoque has been in the production and development pipeline for years now at Frew. From the imaginative pen of Pidde Andersson, this is a completely new and original piece of work looking back in time through the Phantom Chronicle to a very special period in French history. Paris was alive with artistic creativity and cultural celebrations. The 19th Phantom, had married Jane (Janie) Cary, against her brother’s wishes.
The scene for our story is Paris in 1912 and The Phantom had been married to Jane for several years. They were finally able to find the time in their busy jungle lives to treat themselves to a relaxing and pampering two-week honeymoon in Paris, ‘The City of Light’. 

Exquisite internal art pages by Peruvian artist Percy Ochoa, has truly captured the essence of this quintessentially stylish period known as Belle Epoque. 

Cover Art: Lily McDonnell


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